

For some time now, Ilse Wijnen has been working mainly on a collective base in the art sector, instead of presenting herself individually as an artist. Grasped by the transformative power of images and sounds, the working process merges form and content and blur the boundaries between different disciplines.

Due to the wide interest, the studies that have been conducted are very diverse: art history, archeology and anthropology; drawing, sculpting, painting, lithography, restoration of old paintings and polychrome sculpture; film art; recitation and theater; vocals and voice (Sound-oriented singing Lichtenstein, Roy Hart...); practical philosophy (including Zeno and Initia)... ..

The richness of art and ancient cultures, music, myths are expressed in stories, cocreation with insider and outsider artists; elaborating artistic concepts as curator/public liaison facilitator, guide, researcher and interdisciplinary mediator as an artist-scientist in academic studies; atelier guidance, scenography, acting, directing, writing dramaturgy and screenwriting, writing poems and stories, visual works, activator awareness-raising civic initiatives ...

She engages in educational, social and purely artistic projects.

She does not regard her work as the most individual expression of a feeling, but as a process based on an inner necessity. From 1984 she creates as an artist with others in an anonymous way, such as Gesamtkunst in the Middle Ages.